• Image Analysis
  • High Tech / Low Cost Technologies
  • Technologies for in vivo biology on animal models

AVIRON – Amortized Inference and Virtual Reality to segment large volumes of neuron data

Industrial partners  DIVA


There is currently a worldwide effort to understand the nervous system and the brain’s “algorithmic“ functioning. Progress in microscopy now offers the possibility of imaging large sections of neuronal data in behaving animals. A necessary task is the extraction of local and global neuron connectomes to decipher the emergence of computation and cognition capacities inside these architectures. To address this challenge, the project introduces an innovative software approach, AVIRON, that combines virtual reality (VR), human cognition and inference procedures to allow fast tracing and segmentation of large volumes of neuronal images. We will develop a software based on our current DIVA platform to: (i) integrate any stack of images in VR, (ii) develop an intuitive interface to manipulate data in space and in properties (e.g. contrast, transparency), (iii) create a motion-based segmentation tool combined with an amortized inference procedure allowing live segmenting of the data, and (iv) a post-processing interface to correct anomalies and provide various outputs.

Tribute to Maxime Dahan



As a response to the : Call for projects 2018 : Innovative technologies

Development and Dissemination of Innovative Technologies to be Used in Research in Life Sciences

Details & Selected Projects


  • Perception and Memory

    CNRS - French National Centre for Scientific Research
    Institut Pasteur
    Sorbonne University

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  • Decision and Bayesian Computation

    CNRS - French National Centre for Scientific Research
    Institut Pasteur
    Sorbonne University

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