Call for projects 2019 : Dissemination of new technologies or methods for new applications in Life Sciences

1 January 2019 → 15 March 2019


Selected Projects



The DIM ELICIT will fund scientific projects based on the following collaboration:

  • At least one academic research team from the region Ile de France working on the creation of devices or methods, according to the 3 Core technologies of the DIM (Microfluidics, Biophotonics and waves, Image analysis and Big Data). This team – the “Technology Team”– will set up or purchase an innovative instrument and will lead the action of dissemination;


  • At least 2 additional academic research teams -“Application teams”- from the region Ile de France working on applied biology which will demonstrate the competitive advantages brought by the new technology/methods for their research. The research should fit in the scope of the 4 End-user applications axis of the DIM ELICIT (Single Cell / Single molecule, Technologies for Biology in vivo, Organ-on-Chip, High-Tech Low-Cost).

The Dissemination Call 2019 aims at supporting interdisciplinary collaborative research projects that will combine:

  • Implementation of disruptive technologies or methods in biology, the disruptiveness criteria being assessed regarding their impact and transformative nature;
  • Integration in the SME and industrial value-added chain, in particular in Ile-de-France, in the area of Technologies for Life Sciences either through tech transfer or start-ups creation.
  • Integration in an open access environment for Life Sciences research teams.

Project selection will be organized by the DIM ELICIT Steering Committee and will be based on external evaluations. Results will be announced in July 2019.



Any research team from the region Ile de France can apply with a project in line with the aims, positioning and thematic axes of the DIM.

A researcher can only coordinate one project within the framework of this call but can be partner in other projects. A researcher that has been selected for funding in 2018 cannot apply to this call.

The proposed project should not have been previously supported by another DIM, the SESAME program, a program from the Genopole or a collaborative project from a competitive cluster.

Participation of research teams belonging to different institutes are encouraged. A start-up/company can be associated to the project.

Applications will have to be sent to

We will acknowledge the receipt of all the applications within a week.

Projects will have to be written in English.



  • Application form
  • List of equipment to purchase
  • Quote(s)
  • Resume of person to be recruited if already identified



In the context of this call, the DIM ELICIT will fund for each project:

  • Equipment (66% max of total cost without VAT) with a maximal participation of 200k€ from DIM ELICIT


  • Engineer salary (max 12 monts): this engineer wil install the prototype and will provide assistance to the biology teams to adapt and use the technology


Application Form

Full description of the call can be downloaded by clicking here.


Additional Info


For any informations regarding the eligibility of your project or anything else do not hesitate to contact : or