• Microfluidics
  • High Tech / Low Cost Technologies

EVortex – Triggering massive Extracellular Vesicle production by a turbulent flow in bioreactors to expedite regenerative medicine applications

Project lead by   Amanda K. A. Silva,  Gabriel Rahmi
Industrial partners  EverZom


Extracellular vesicles (EVs) may recapitulate the therapeutic effect of their mother cells in regenerative medicine while mitigating their risks and offering storage and shelf-life gains. The clinical translation of EV therapy is hampered by a production challenges.

We propose a large-scale, high-yield and cost-effective EV production, by shear stress via a controlled turbulent flow integrated to cell culture, in commercial bioreactors. This turbulence vesiculation approach may be of interest to the regenerative therapy for several organs/tissues.

This project focuses on the therapy of fistulas, a major neglected health burden related to Crohn’s disease or secondary to surgery, cancer therapy or trauma, and affecting millions of people in Europe. Our disruptive turbulence technology will allow us to boost EV yield and shrink EV production costs, rendering feasible the democratization of EV-based regenerative medicine.


<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/TLkRbME9TX4″ frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe>

(video in french)



As a response to the : Call for projects 2018 : Equipment support

Support to shared equipment for the development of innovative technologies for Life Sciences

Details & Selected Projects


  • Materials and Complex Systems Laboratory

    CNRS - French National Centre for Scientific Research
    Paris Diderot University

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  • Paris-Cardiovascular research Center (PARCC)

    Hôpital européen Georges-Pompidou
    University Paris Descartes

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