• Biophotonics and waves
  • High Tech / Low Cost Technologies

IMAChip – A microscop with a disruptive imaging and sensing architecture

Industrial partners  Imagine Optic


In this project, we assess leading 3D technologies and their impact on drug discovery, cell behavior and analysis.

The IMAChip project proposes a disruptive imaging and sensing architecture that can compensate for the lack of complexity of usual optical components (confocal) or markers (fluorescent) by use of novel theories and numerical algorithms.

Our novel microscope is based on digital holography and allows to realize 3D movies with sub-μm resolution. The instrument developed jointly by LIDYL and Imagine Optic SME builds phase contrast maps of a specimen by using 3D propagation and numerical reconstruction algorithms already implemented in a user-friendly interface.

We propose the implementation of these technologies in compound identification, screening, and development, ranging from disease modeling to assessment of efficacy and safety profiles. A large panel of end-users will validate immediate needs and requirements in health problems and bio-technology.

Valorization through patenting and licensing will put the instrument close to the market.



As a response to the : Call for projects 2019 : Dissemination of new technologies or methods for new applications in Life Sciences

Call for projects 2019 : Dissemination of Innovative Technologies for Life Sciences (non-commercial methods and/or instruments)

Details & Selected Projects


  • Laboratoire Interactions, Dynamique et Lasers (LIDYL)

    CEA - French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission
    Paris Saclay University

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  • Laboratory of Genetic Instability Research – LRIG

    CEA - French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission

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  • Laboratory Biology & Biotechnology of Cyanobacteria (LBBC)

    CEA - French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission
    Frédéric Joliot Institute for Life Sciences

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  • Molecular Immunology and Virology (VIM-UR0892)


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  • Zebrafish Neurogenetics

    Institut Pasteur

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