• Biophotonics and waves
  • High Tech / Low Cost Technologies

E²AO-LSFM – Excitation/emission adaptive optics light-sheet fluorescence microscopy for in depth high resolution functional neuro-imaging

Project lead by  Alexandra Fragola,  François Rouyer
Industrial partners  Imagine Optic


This project proposes to develop a full excitation/emission aberration free selective plane microscope for in depth single cell functional imaging in the adult drosophila brain. This original microscope is based on an innovative adaptive optics (AO) approach, combining the AO light-sheet fluorescence microscope (AOLSFM) we have been developing for two years, with a novel AO-driven light-sheet illumination system.

This excitation/emission AO-LSFM will significantly enhance spatial resolution and signal to achieve in depth neuronal activity imaging at the single cell level of the circadian clock network in drosophila brain.
Through short-term and long-term experiments (excitation of presynaptic neurons while recording evoked calcium or voltage changes in the postsynaptic neurons / spontaneous activity of clock neurons or downstream neurons in various genetic and environmental conditions), we will investigate with single cell resolution the contribution of the different subsets of clock neurons to the sleep-wake behavior.



As a response to the : Call for projects 2020 : Co-development of innovative technologies & methods

Call for projects 2020 : Co-development of innovative technologies & methods

Details & Selected Projects


  • Laboratory of Physics and Material studies (LPEM)

    CNRS - French National Centre for Scientific Research
    PSL University
    Sorbonne University

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  • Molecular Genetics of Circadian Rhythms

    CNRS - French National Centre for Scientific Research
    Paris Saclay University
    Paris-Saclay Institute of Neuroscience (NeuroPSI)

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